- Peter McCormack: "I would be willing to bet everything I own, right now, that in 25 years there aren't a billion people using bitcoin" https://www.whatbitcoindid.com/podcast/peter-rizuns-lightning-critique-fud-or-fair 71 comments btc
- Interview with Peter Rizun's Critiquing The Lightning Network: FUD or Fair? https://www.whatbitcoindid.com/podcast/peter-rizuns-lightning-critique-fud-or-fair 197 comments btc
Linking pages
Linked pages
- Bitcoin Unlimited https://www.bitcoinunlimited.info/ 309 comments
- Visualizing HTLCs and the Lightning Network’s Dirty Little Secret | by Peter R. Rizun | Medium https://medium.com/@peter_r/visualizing-htlcs-and-the-lightning-networks-dirty-little-secret-cb9b5773a0 174 comments
- https://www.bitcoinunlimited.info/resources/feemarket.pdf 91 comments
- The answer to yesterday’s Lightning Network Quiz was “(A) 1 coin” | by Peter R. Rizun | Medium https://medium.com/@peter_r/the-answer-to-yesterdays-lightning-network-quiz-was-a-1-coin-d8125c056758 79 comments
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