- [Washington Football Team] President's Brief: An apology to the fans https://www.washingtonfootball.com/news/president-brief-an-apology-to-the-fans 81 comments nfl
Linking pages
- Empty seats and scandals: It appears no one wants to be a Washington fan | Washington Commanders | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2021/nov/17/empty-seats-and-scandals-it-appears-no-one-wants-to-be-a-washington-fan?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other 1246 comments
- NFL: WFT's Sean Taylor jersey retirement dishonored the man https://sports.yahoo.com/washingtons-insulting-sean-taylor-ceremony-reeked-of-an-inept-franchise-trying-to-save-face-230741449.html 247 comments
Linked pages
- Ryan Clark on Twitter: "Since people are wondering Tim Hightower reached out to me on September 22nd to invite me to the @WashingtonNFL alumni weekend. In his text he told me they’d be honoring Sean and his family. Which I assumed was the reason I got the invite since I hadn’t been before." / Twitter https://twitter.com/realrclark25/status/1448655733000527872?s=21 52 comments
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