Hacker News
- Conflict at Walmart threatens its ecommerce battle with Amazon https://www.vox.com/recode/2019/7/3/18716431/walmart-jet-marc-lore-modcloth-amazon-ecommerce-losses-online-sales 141 comments
Linking pages
- Shopify and the Power of Platforms – Stratechery by Ben Thompson https://stratechery.com/2019/shopify-and-the-power-of-platforms/ 171 comments
- Walmart will soon test an Amazon Prime competitor called Walmart+ - Vox https://www.vox.com/recode/2020/2/27/21154357/walmart-plus-walmart-grocery-delivery-unlimited-membership-amazon-prime 23 comments
- Walmart’s Marc Lore is leaving e-commerce role to build a city of the future - Vox https://www.vox.com/recode/2021/1/15/22232033/marc-lore-walmart-leaving-jet-city-future-capitalism 9 comments
- Walmart is done trying to buy small retailers to compete with Amazon - Vox https://www.vox.com/recode/2019/9/9/20857900/walmart-amazon-marc-lore-interview-code-commerce 7 comments
- Amazon invests $700 million to retrain a third of its US workforce by 2025 | TechCrunch https://techcrunch.com/2019/07/11/amazon-invests-700-million-to-retrain-a-third-of-its-u-s-workforce-by-2025/ 7 comments
- Why Amazon pays warehouse employees to tweet about their jobs - Vox https://www.vox.com/recode/2019/8/8/20726863/amazon-pays-warehouse-employees-twitter-fc-ambassadors-quillette 5 comments
- Postmates IPO: Food-delivery startup has explored sale to Uber, DoorDash, or Walmart instead of going public - Vox https://www.vox.com/recode/2019/7/11/20688108/postmates-acquisition-ipo-doordash-walmart-uber 0 comments
- Walmart’s $12 billion in dividends, buybacks give Amazon huge advantage - Vox https://www.vox.com/recode/2020/2/18/21142153/amazon-walmart-dividend-stock-buyback-wall-street-investors 0 comments
- Walmart Labs vs. Amazon: Which Pays Software Engineers More? | Dice.com Career Advice https://insights.dice.com/2019/08/28/walmart-labs-amazon-pays-software-engineers/ 0 comments
- The case for and against the retail innovation lab - Modern Retail https://www.modernretail.co/retailers/the-case-for-and-against-the-retail-innovation-lab/ 0 comments
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