- The worst horrors of factory farming could soon be phased out in Europe https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/22698265/europe-cage-ban-animal-welfare-eggs-pork-united-states 6 comments europe
Linking pages
- Europe’s cage-free animal welfare revolution is in doubt - Vox https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/23895654/europe-cage-free-animal-welfare-farming 9 comments
- A new report shows a drastic decline in wildlife. But farmed animals could have it even worse. - Vox https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2022/9/12/23339898/global-meat-production-forecast-factory-farming-animal-welfare-human-progress 8 comments
Linked pages
- France bans crushing and gassing of male chicks from 2022 | Reuters https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/france-bans-crushing-gassing-male-chicks-2022-2021-07-18/ 6073 comments
- European Parliament overwhelmingly backs ban on caged animal farming | Euronews https://www.euronews.com/2021/06/10/european-parliament-overwhelmingly-backs-ban-on-caged-animal-farming 3493 comments
- Germany bans male chick culling from 2022 – DW – 05/20/2021 https://www.dw.com/en/germany-bans-male-chick-culling-from-2022/a-57603148 1358 comments
- A Trump judge could shut down the federal government in Texas v. Garland - Vox https://www.vox.com/politics/2023/2/26/23611826/texas-trump-judge-hendrix-government-shutdown-proxy-voting-omnibus-supreme-court 335 comments
- Prop 12, California’s cage-free eggs and bacon law, explained - Vox https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/22576044/prop-12-california-eggs-pork-bacon-veal-animal-welfare-law-gestation-crates-battery-cages 55 comments
- France, Germany, and the UK offer a plan for Ukraine that doesn’t include NATO membership - Vox https://www.vox.com/world-politics/2023/2/26/23615585/ukraine-defense-nato-russia-france-germany-uk 19 comments
- Ron DeSantis’s criticism of the College Board reignites debate about AP classes - Vox https://www.vox.com/policy/2023/2/26/23613486/college-board-ron-desantis-advanced-placement-problem 1 comment
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