- Tech Startup Wants To Gamify Suing People Using Crypto Tokens https://www.vice.com/en/article/v7d7x3/tech-startup-wants-to-gamify-the-us-court-system-using-crypto-tokens 5 comments technology
- A new tech startup wants to gamify the U.S. court system by allowing everyday Americans to bet on lawsuits using tradable crypto tokens. https://www.vice.com/en/article/v7d7x3/tech-startup-wants-to-gamify-the-us-court-system-using-crypto-tokens 71 comments law
- A new tech startup wants to gamify the U.S. court system by allowing everyday Americans to bet on lawsuits using tradable crypto tokens. It calls the process an "initial litigation offering." https://www.vice.com/en/article/v7d7x3/tech-startup-wants-to-gamify-the-us-court-system-using-crypto-tokens 418 comments cryptocurrency
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