Hacker News
- Advanced Python GUI Resources https://udemy.com 5 comments python
- Μια μικρη ιστορια που ισως εμπνευσει καποιους! https://udemy.com 32 comments greece
- Crashed with reality of how hard it is to get into game dev programming - what to do next? https://udemy.com 119 comments gamedev
- Best c# course WITH assignments? https://udemy.com 24 comments csharp
- What do I need to do prior to being a Scrum Master? https://udemy.com 9 comments learnprogramming
- Converting from Microsoft Unified Communications guy to Linux Admin guy... asking for professional advice PLEASE... https://udemy.com 7 comments linuxadmin
- PHP vs Node.js https://udemy.com 30 comments node
- 28 years old and want to make idle games. Please advise. https://udemy.com 8 comments gamedev
- What do you think about Pluralsight to learn new stuff? https://www.udemy.com 6 comments learnprogramming
- Student in College seeking advice: What are the top things I can do right now as a 21 year old, to better adapt to the future of machine learning? https://udemy.com 23 comments learnmachinelearning
- Does OpenBSD use C or C++? https://udemy.com 24 comments openbsd
- Any thoughts and opinions on General Assembly and other bootcamps for Front-End Web Development? https://udemy.com 12 comments learnprogramming
- Newbie wants to build a Node a React, MongoDB, GraphQL app then deploy to cloud https://www.udemy.com 8 comments node
- Black Friday Web Dev Deals https://www.udemy.com/ 10 comments webdev
- My Important Questions Regarding Front End Web Development https://udemy.com 6 comments webdev
- All Udemy courses at INR 640 for the next 6 days [NP] https://www.udemy.com/ 27 comments india
- FYI - Udemy is starting their Black Friday sale, most courses are only $10 https://www.udemy.com/ 25 comments sysadmin
Linking pages
- Want to build a side business? Just buy a great Domain Name - Deep South Ventures https://www.deepsouthventures.com/build-a-side-business/ 413 comments
- GitHub - sdmg15/Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit: :link: Some useful websites for programmers. https://github.com/sdmg15/Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit 331 comments
- The University Is Like a CD in the Streaming Age - The Atlantic https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/06/university-like-cd-streaming-age/613291/ 282 comments
- sites-using-cloudflare/README.md at master · pirate/sites-using-cloudflare · GitHub https://github.com/pirate/sites-using-cloudflare/blob/master/README.md 276 comments
- To Code or Not to Code: should lawyers learn to code? https://lawtomated.com/to-code-or-not-to-code-should-lawyers-learn-to-code-3-2/ 227 comments
- A Tale Of Two Countries: The Growing Divide Between Silicon Valley And Unemployed America • TechCrunch http://techcrunch.com/2011/07/16/tale-of-two-countries-silicon-valley-unemployed/ 170 comments
- Online learning marketplace Udemy raises $50M at a $2B valuation from Japanese publisher Benesse | TechCrunch https://techcrunch.com/2020/02/19/online-learning-marketplace-udemy-raises-50m-at-a-2b-valuation-from-japanese-publisher-benesse/ 147 comments
- How I became a Software Developer during the pandemic without a degree or a bootcamp | by Federico Mannucci | Towards Data Science https://towardsdatascience.com/how-i-became-a-software-developer-during-the-pandemic-without-a-degree-or-a-bootcamp-ef7a4184efde 108 comments
- GitHub - vuejs/awesome-vue: 🎉 A curated list of awesome things related to Vue.js https://github.com/vuejs/awesome-vue 77 comments
- So you want to self-publish books and courses on programming | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks https://css-tricks.com/so-you-want-to-self-publish-books-and-courses-on-programming/ 65 comments
- Unbundling Work from Employment https://www.atelierventures.co/content/unbundling-work-from-employment 60 comments
- What You Need to Know About MOOCs http://chronicle.com/article/What-You-Need-to-Know-About/133475/ 54 comments
- Is College (Finally) Ready For Its Innovation Revolution? - The Atlantic http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2011/05/is-college-finally-ready-for-its-innovation-revolution/239393/ 49 comments
- 1. Mazes. Board games, apps, websites, and… | by Caryn Farvour (Humphreys) | Vehikl News | Medium https://medium.com/vehikl-news/10-ways-to-teach-kids-to-code-1c5e4b68a247#.ylkvxu6fm 48 comments
- The 101 Most Useful Websites on the Internet - Digital Inspiration http://www.labnol.org/internet/101-useful-websites/18078/ 46 comments
- From Carpenter to Front End Developer in under 5 months | by Andrew Charlebois | We’ve moved to freeCodeCamp.org/news | Medium https://medium.com/@andrewchar/this-is-my-story-about-how-i-went-from-being-a-carpenter-with-zero-experience-in-the-tech-world-to-4252e93cb73#.3fp595osv 29 comments
- How I went from stay-at-home-mum to landing my first web developer job https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-i-went-from-stay-at-home-mum-to-landing-my-first-web-developer-job/ 28 comments
- Ivanka Trump's ‘find something new’ campaign is old advice repackaged - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/07/24/ivanka-trump-find-something-new/ 25 comments
- How Your Company Can Support Junior Engineers - Engineering Blog https://www.eventbrite.com/engineering/how-to-support-junior-engineers/ 22 comments
- GitHub - ItzAshOffcl/awesome-webdev-resources: A curated list of useful websites and resources for web developers https://github.com/ItzAshOffcl/awesome-webdev-resources/ 21 comments
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