Hacker News
- Microsoft tries to convince Windows 10 users with full-screen prompts https://www.theverge.com/2024/11/20/24301768/microsoft-windows-10-upgrade-prompt-copilot-plus-pcs 8 comments
- Microsoft tries to convince Windows 10 users to buy a new PC with full-screen prompts https://www.theverge.com/2024/11/20/24301768/microsoft-windows-10-upgrade-prompt-copilot-plus-pcs 956 comments technology
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- The last thing I ever want to do is 'Learn more' or have you 'Remind Me Later': Microsoft is pushing fullscreen ads for Windows 11 laptops to people still using Windows 10 | PC Gamer https://www.pcgamer.com/software/windows/the-last-thing-i-ever-want-to-do-is-learn-more-or-have-you-remind-me-later-microsoft-is-pushing-fullscreen-ads-for-windows-11-laptops-to-people-still-using-windows-10/ 405 comments
- The right to repair supports more than just sustainability and affordability — Free Software Foundation — Working together for free software https://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/the-right-to-repair-supports-software-freedom 2 comments
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