Hacker News
- Apple is allowing alternative browser engines in iOS 17.4 – but only in the EU https://www.theverge.com/2024/1/25/24050478/apple-ios-17-4-browser-engines-eu 3 comments
- Apple is finally allowing full versions of Chrome and Firefox to run on the iPhone https://www.theverge.com/2024/1/25/24050478/apple-ios-17-4-browser-engines-eu 80 comments firefox
- Apple is finally allowing full versions of Chrome and Firefox to run on the iPhone | In iOS 17.4, Apple is opening up its system to other browser engines, which means browsers will get better fast. But only users in the EU get to try them https://www.theverge.com/2024/1/25/24050478/apple-ios-17-4-browser-engines-eu 148 comments technology
- (EU) Apple is finally allowing full versions of Chrome and Firefox to run on the iPhone https://www.theverge.com/2024/1/25/24050478/apple-ios-17-4-browser-engines-eu 93 comments apple
Linking pages
- Home Screen Advantage - Infrequently Noted https://infrequently.org/2024/02/home-screen-advantage/ 226 comments
- Here’s the new Apple tax every developer is going to hate | The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2024/1/26/24051823/apple-third-party-app-stores-50-cent-fee 192 comments
- Apple's plan to allow browser competition dubbed unworkable - Open Web Advocacy https://open-web-advocacy.org/blog/apple-dma-changes/ 46 comments
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