Hacker News
- SpaceX’s Starship caused ‘catastrophic’ damage on the ground https://www.theverge.com/2023/4/26/23699365/spacex-starship-damage-launch-pad-debris 14 comments
- SpaceX’s Starship blew up after launch — it also caused ‘catastrophic’ damage on the ground https://www.theverge.com/2023/4/26/23699365/spacex-starship-damage-launch-pad-debris 879 comments space
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- Elon Musk on Twitter: "@SciGuySpace 3 months ago, we started building a massive water-cooled, steel plate to go under the launch mount. Wasn’t ready in time &ampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampamp; we wrongly thought, based on static fire data, that Fondag would make it through 1 launch. Looks like we can be ready to launch again in 1 to 2 months." / Twitter https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1649523985837686784 824 comments
- The Verge https://www.theverge.com/ 326 comments
- SpaceX Starship explosion spread particulate matter for miles https://www.cnbc.com/2023/04/24/spacex-starship-explosion-spread-particulate-matter-for-miles.html 266 comments
- SpaceX’s Starship Kicked Up a Dust Cloud, Leaving Texans With a Mess - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/21/us/spacex-rocket-dust-texas.html 40 comments
- Starship launch video captures flying debris and destruction - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/04/21/spacex-starship-launch-debris-shrapnel/ 26 comments
- Christopher David on Twitter: "This is what happens to your launchpad when you think it would be funny to launch to the world's largest rocket on 4/20, instead of when it's ready. It will probably be at least a year before the FAA will approve another Starship launch. https://t.co/tXytW309a6" / Twitter https://twitter.com/Tazerface16/status/1649443447164776450 1 comment
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