- Hydroelectric dams emit a billion tonnes of greenhouse gases a year, study finds: Impact of dams on climate change has been underestimated, researchers warn, as rotting vegetation creates 25% more methane than previously thought https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2016/nov/14/hydroelectric-dams-emit-billion-tonnes-greenhouse-gas-methane-study-climate-change 219 comments science
- Hydroelectric dams emit a billion tonnes of greenhouse gases a year, study finds: Impact of dams on climate change has been underestimated, researchers warn, as rotting vegetation creates 25% more methane than previously thought https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2016/nov/14/hydroelectric-dams-emit-billion-tonnes-greenhouse-gas-methane-study-climate-change 20 comments worldnews
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