- Bernie Sanders' economic adviser says Australia's bushfires are a climate change 'wake-up call' https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2020/jan/08/bernie-sanders-economic-adviser-says-australias-bushfires-are-a-climate-change-wake-up-call 33 comments politics
- Bernie Sanders' economic adviser says Australia's bushfires are a climate change 'wake-up call,’ and Australia could ‘absolutely’ benefit from a program similar to the Green New Deal https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2020/jan/08/bernie-sanders-economic-adviser-says-australias-bushfires-are-a-climate-change-wake-up-call 31 comments worldnews
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- 'This is war': actor Yael Stone gives up US green card and will now live in Australia to fight climate change | Culture | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2020/jan/07/this-is-war-actor-yael-stone-gives-up-us-green-card-and-will-now-live-in-australia-to-fight-climate-change 296 comments
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