Hacker News
- Right-Wing Media Outlets Duped by a Middle East Propaganda Campaign https://www.thedailybeast.com/right-wing-media-outlets-duped-by-a-middle-east-propaganda-campaign 2 comments
- Right-Wing Media Outlets Duped by a Middle East Propaganda Campaign https://www.thedailybeast.com/right-wing-media-outlets-duped-by-a-middle-east-propaganda-campaign 3 comments
- Right-Wing Media Outlets Duped by a Middle East Propaganda Campaign. Conservative sites like Newsmax and Washington Examiner have published Middle East hot takes from “experts” who are actually fake personas pushing propaganda. https://www.thedailybeast.com/right-wing-media-outlets-duped-by-a-middle-east-propaganda-campaign 3 comments politics
- Right-Wing Media Outlets Duped by a Middle East Propaganda Campaign | Conservative sites like Newsmax and Washington Examiner have published Middle East hot takes from “experts” who are actually fake personas pushing propaganda. https://www.thedailybeast.com/right-wing-media-outlets-duped-by-a-middle-east-propaganda-campaign 556 comments technology
- Right-Wing Media Outlets Duped by a Middle East Propaganda Campaign https://www.thedailybeast.com/right-wing-media-outlets-duped-by-a-middle-east-propaganda-campaign 13 comments worldnews
- Right-Wing Media Outlets Duped by a Middle East Propaganda Campaign https://www.thedailybeast.com/right-wing-media-outlets-duped-by-a-middle-east-propaganda-campaign 21 comments politics
Linking pages
- 'Leftists for Bibi'? Deepfake pro-Netanyahu propaganda exposed https://www.972mag.com/leftists-for-bibi-deepfake-pro-netanyahu-propaganda-exposed/ 114 comments
- Academic: The Coming AI Hackers - Schneier on Security https://www.schneier.com/academic/archives/2021/04/the-coming-ai-hackers.html 51 comments
- Do These A.I.-Created Fake People Look Real to You? - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/11/21/science/artificial-intelligence-fake-people-faces.html 24 comments
- Deepfakes and Disinformation Pose a Growing Threat in Asia – The Diplomat https://thediplomat.com/2023/03/deepfakes-and-disinformation-pose-a-growing-threat-in-asia/ 3 comments
- Spamouflage Survives: CCP-aligned Disinformation Campaign Spreads on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube https://miburo.substack.com/p/spamouflage-survives 2 comments
- Inside the Hong Kong Newsroom at the Edge of Autocracy - The Atlantic https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2020/08/scmp-hong-kong-china-media/614719/ 0 comments
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