- The Bengal Famine of 1943 was a man-made famine that killed around 3 million Indians due the negligence British government. https://www.ststworld.com/the-bengal-famine-of-1943-the-man-made-famine-that-killed-around-3-million-indians/ 6 comments india
Linked pages
- Winston Churchill has as much blood on his hands as the worst genocidal dictators, claims Indian politician | The Independent | The Independent http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/world-history/winston-churchill-genocide-dictator-shashi-tharoor-melbourne-writers-festival-a7936141.html 2054 comments
- The Bengal Famine: How the British engineered the worst genocide in human history for profit http://yourstory.com/2014/08/bengal-famine-genocide/ 50 comments
- Bengal Famine Of 1943 - A Man-Made Holocaust http://www.ibtimes.com/bengal-famine-1943-man-made-holocaust-1100525 1 comment
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