Hacker News
- How io_uring and eBPF Will Revolutionize Programming in Linux https://www.scylladb.com/2020/05/05/how-io_uring-and-ebpf-will-revolutionize-programming-in-linux/ 320 comments
- How io_uring and eBPF Will Revolutionize Programming in Linux https://www.scylladb.com/2020/05/05/how-io_uring-and-ebpf-will-revolutionize-programming-in-linux/ 3 comments linux
- How io_uring and eBPF Will Revolutionize Programming in Linux https://www.scylladb.com/2020/05/05/how-io_uring-and-ebpf-will-revolutionize-programming-in-linux/ 16 comments programming
- How io_uring and eBPF Will Revolutionize Programming in Linux https://www.scylladb.com/2020/05/05/how-io_uring-and-ebpf-will-revolutionize-programming-in-linux/ 22 comments linux
Linking pages
- Modern storage is plenty fast. It is the APIs that are bad. | by Glauber Costa | ITNEXT https://glaubercosta-11125.medium.com/modern-storage-is-plenty-fast-it-is-the-apis-that-are-bad-6a68319fbc1a 633 comments
- Modern storage is plenty fast. It is the APIs that are bad. | by Glauber Costa | ITNEXT https://itnext.io/modern-storage-is-plenty-fast-it-is-the-apis-that-are-bad-6a68319fbc1a 168 comments
- GitHub - libsql/libsql: libSQL is a fork of SQLite that is both Open Source, and Open Contributions. https://github.com/libsql/libsql 94 comments
- GitHub - espoal/awesome-iouring: Delightful io_uring packages and resources https://github.com/espoal/awesome-iouring 8 comments
- Modern storage is plenty fast. It is the APIs that are bad. | by Glauber Costa | ITNEXT https://itnext.io/modern-storage-is-plenty-fast-it-is-the-apis-that-are-bad-6a68319fbc1a?gi=103044cef955 0 comments
- GitHub - ciconia/awesome-io_uring: Awesome io_uring https://github.com/ciconia/awesome-io_uring 0 comments
- GitHub - pawelgaczynski/gain: Gain is a high-performance io_uring networking framework written entirely in Go. https://github.com/pawelgaczynski/gain 0 comments
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