- Scientists have replicated the misterious pattern of Romanesco cauliflowers and were able to determine that cauliflowers are in fact buds that are designed to become flowers but which never reach their goal. Instead, they develop into stems, which in turn continue trying to produce flowers https://www.sciencenews.org/article/romanesco-cauliflower-fractal-spiral-genetics-biology 7 comments science
- The swirling green cones that make up the head of Romanesco cauliflower also form a fractal pattern — one that repeats itself on multiple scales. Now, the genes that underlie this stunning structure have been identified, and the fractal pattern has been replicated in a common lab plant, Arabidopsis. https://www.sciencenews.org/article/romanesco-cauliflower-fractal-spiral-genetics-biology 11 comments science
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