- Trump and Pence's racist weekend spectacle was no accident: It's the re-election plan | What we saw over the weekend was dreadful. But it's only the beginning: The GOP truly believes this will work https://www.salon.com/2019/07/15/trump-and-pences-racist-weekend-spectacle-was-no-accident-its-the-re-election-plan/ 1047 comments politics
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- Republicans will never say that racism is "racism." Basically it's because they're racist | Salon.com https://www.salon.com/2019/07/17/republicans-will-never-say-that-racism-is-racism-basically-its-because-theyre-racist/ 637 comments
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- ‘This is tough stuff’: At Texas detention facility, Pence sees hundreds of migrants crammed with no beds - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/pence-tours-detention-facilities-at-the-border-defends-administrations-treatment-of-migrants/2019/07/12/993f54e0-a4bc-11e9-b8c8-75dae2607e60_story.html 156 comments
- Trump Fans the Flames of a Racial Fire - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/14/us/politics/trump-twitter-race.html 75 comments
- Trump's latest war on reality: Cover up the concentration camps | Salon.com https://www.salon.com/2019/07/08/trumps-latest-war-on-reality-cover-up-the-concentration-camps/ 17 comments
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