- Reminder: Shame NFT promoters as absolutely hard as you can. The community is on your side. https://www.reuters.com/technology/nft-sales-surge-107-bln-q3-crypto-asset-frenzy-hits-new-highs-2021-10-04/ 31 comments cryptocurrency
- NFT sales surge to $10.7 bln in Q3 as crypto asset frenzy hits new highs https://www.reuters.com/technology/nft-sales-surge-107-bln-q3-crypto-asset-frenzy-hits-new-highs-2021-10-04/ 6 comments cryptocurrency
Linking pages
- Reddit Seeking Backend Engineer for NFT Platform - Crypto Briefing https://cryptobriefing.com/reddit-seeking-backend-engineer-for-nft-platform/ 29 comments
- NFT Frenzy Sees Sales Top $10B for Q3 While AXS Hits Another ATH https://cryptopotato.com/nft-frenzy-sees-sales-top-10b-for-q3-while-axs-hits-another-ath/ 23 comments
- Blockchain Games the NEXT BIG Thing? Consider These! https://www.coinbureau.com/analysis/blockchain-games-investing/ 11 comments
- Shopify Merchants Can Now Create and Sell NFTs - TheStreet https://www.thestreet.com/investing/shopify-merchants-can-now-create-and-sell-nfts 10 comments
- The New Masters: How auction houses are chasing crypto millions | Reuters https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/new-masters-how-auction-houses-are-chasing-crypto-millions-2021-11-08/ 10 comments
- Scorsese producer to make first Hollywood movie funded by NFTs | Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2021/dec/01/scorsese-producer-to-make-first-hollywood-movie-funded-by-nfts 9 comments
- Smart Contract Automation - Use Cases | Chainlink https://blog.chain.link/smart-contract-automation-use-cases-powered-by-chainlink-keepers/ 7 comments
- 2021 ends with a question: Are NFTs here to stay? https://cointelegraph.com/news/2021-ends-with-a-question-are-nfts-here-to-stay 0 comments
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