- FCC Chairman Ajit Pai blasted everyone from Twitter to Cher for opposing his efforts to repeal net neutrality rules https://www.recode.net/2017/11/28/16711256/fcc-ajit-pai-net-neutrality-cher-twitter 58 comments politics
- FCC Chairman Ajit Pai blasted everyone from Cher to Twitter for opposing his efforts to repeal net neutrality rules https://www.recode.net/2017/11/28/16711256/fcc-ajit-pai-net-neutrality-cher-twitter 59 comments technology
Linking pages
- FCC Chairman Pai is swiping again at tech, Twitter and social media — this time for the spread of ‘harassment’ and ‘vitriol’ - Vox https://www.recode.net/2017/11/29/16715650/fcc-chairman-pai-twitter-threats-harassment-social-media 111 comments
- Trump’s F.C.C. Chairman Fires Warning Shot at Jack Dorsey | Vanity Fair https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/11/trumps-fcc-chairman-fires-warning-shot-at-jack-dorsey 16 comments
- Slamming and blasting https://voussoir.net/writing/slamming_and_blasting 2 comments
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