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- pandas/install.rst at cca50247f3953b55cb1cfe36852af362723452c5 · TomAugspurger/pandas · GitHub https://github.com/tomaugspurger/pandas/blob/cca50247f3953b55cb1cfe36852af362723452c5/doc/source/install.rst#plan-for-dropping-python-27 56 comments
- Attack on Checkbox: When data ingestion gets ugly | by Hypotenuse Labs | Medium https://medium.com/@hypotenuselabs/attack-on-checkbox-when-data-ingestion-gets-ugly-999fcdc5e000 33 comments
- GitHub - sshwsfc/xadmin: Drop-in replacement of Django admin comes with lots of goodies, fully extensible with plugin support, pretty UI based on Twitter Bootstrap. https://github.com/sshwsfc/django-xadmin 2 comments
- GitHub - thombashi/pytablewriter: pytablewriter is a Python library to write a table in various formats: AsciiDoc / CSV / Elasticsearch / HTML / JavaScript / JSON / LaTeX / LDJSON / LTSV / Markdown / MediaWiki / NumPy / Excel / Pandas / Python / reStructuredText / SQLite / TOML / TSV. https://github.com/thombashi/pytablewriter 2 comments
- GitHub - datahoarder/leso_1033: Data from the Pentagon's surplus-equipment-to-local-law-enforcement program https://github.com/datahoarder/leso_1033 1 comment
- Scripts to autodownload and organize the California kindergarten immunization data files · GitHub https://gist.github.com/dannguyen/a3c6631f64669dcaba76 0 comments
- Python Excel Tutorial: The Definitive Guide | by Karlijn Willems | HackerNoon.com | Medium https://medium.com/@kacawi/python-excel-tutorial-the-definitive-guide-934ee6dd15b0#.q6euy3wp0 0 comments
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