Hacker News
- ‘Locate X’ allows federal law enforcement to track phones without warrants https://www.protocol.com/government-buying-location-data 45 comments
- Through apps, not warrants, ‘Locate X’ allows federal law enforcement to track phones https://www.protocol.com/government-buying-location-data 3 comments technology
- Through apps, not warrants, ‘Locate X’ allows federal law enforcement to track phones https://www.protocol.com/government-buying-location-data 4 comments nottheonion
- Through apps, not warrants, ‘Locate X’ allows federal law enforcement to track phones https://www.protocol.com/government-buying-location-data 23 comments technews
- Through apps, not warrants, ‘Locate X’ allows federal law enforcement to track phones https://www.protocol.com/government-buying-location-data 3 comments privacy
Linking pages
- 'FYI. A Warrant Isn’t Needed': Secret Service Says You Agreed To Be Tracked With Location Data https://www.404media.co/fyi-a-warrant-isnt-needed-secret-service-says-you-agreed-to-be-tracked-with-location-data/ 378 comments
- Inside the U.S. Government-Bought Tool That Can Track Phones at Abortion Clinics https://www.404media.co/inside-the-u-s-government-bought-tool-that-can-track-phones-at-abortion-clinics/ 99 comments
- Secret Service buys location data that would otherwise need a warrant | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2020/08/secret-service-other-agencies-buy-access-to-mobile-phone-location-data/ 76 comments
- 'FYI. A Warrant Isn’t Needed': Secret Service Says You Agreed To Be Tracked With Location Data https://www.404media.co/email/f459caa7-1a58-4f31-a9ba-3cb53a5046a4/ 33 comments
- Can the government track my location data from apps on my phone? - Vox https://www.vox.com/recode/22278402/x-mode-sdk-google-play-ban-location-data 21 comments
- Revealed: Home Affairs paying to access controversial tool tracking mobile phone movements | Australian security and counter-terrorism | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/nov/06/home-affairs-locate-x-paying-mobile-phone-tracking-tool 1 comment
- ACLU files request over data US collected via Muslim app used by millions | US news | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/dec/03/aclu-seeks-release-records-data-us-collected-via-muslim-app-used-millions 0 comments
- Exclusive: Inside 'Trident Spectre', the yearly tech experimentation program for Navy SEALs https://jackpoulson.substack.com/p/exclusive-inside-trident-spectre 0 comments
- Head of CIA OSINT emphasizes centrality of Twitter and Telegram surveillance https://jackpoulson.substack.com/p/head-of-cia-osint-emphasizes-centrality 0 comments
- When the Government Buys Sensitive Personal Data | Lawfare https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/when-the-government-buys-sensitive-personal-data 0 comments
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