Hacker News
- Justice Samuel Alito Took Luxury Fishing Vacation with GOP Billionaire https://www.propublica.org/article/samuel-alito-luxury-fishing-trip-paul-singer-scotus-supreme-court 86 comments
- Justice Samuel Alito Took Luxury Fishing Vacation With GOP Billionaire Who Later Had Cases Before the Court https://www.propublica.org/article/samuel-alito-luxury-fishing-trip-paul-singer-scotus-supreme-court 6 comments law
- Justice Samuel Alito Took Luxury Fishing Vacation With GOP Billionaire Who Later Had Cases Before the Court https://www.propublica.org/article/samuel-alito-luxury-fishing-trip-paul-singer-scotus-supreme-court 18 comments economy
- Alito Took Unreported Luxury Trip With GOP Donor Paul Singer https://www.propublica.org/article/samuel-alito-luxury-fishing-trip-paul-singer-scotus-supreme-court 331 comments moderatepolitics
- Justice Samuel Alito Took Luxury Fishing Vacation With GOP Billionaire Who Later Had Cases Before the Court https://www.propublica.org/article/samuel-alito-luxury-fishing-trip-paul-singer-scotus-supreme-court 60 comments law
- Justice Samuel Alito Took Luxury Fishing Vacation With GOP Billionaire Who Later Had Cases Before the Court https://www.propublica.org/article/samuel-alito-luxury-fishing-trip-paul-singer-scotus-supreme-court 557 comments politics
Linking pages
- Clarence Thomas, a $267,000 RV, and Why American Health Care Sucks https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/clarence-thomas-rv-loan-health-care-1235059440/ 1131 comments
- Lawmakers Urge 'Corrupt As Hell' Clarence Thomas To Resign | HuffPost Latest News https://www.huffpost.com/entry/clarence-thomas-resign-calls_n_64d5cf79e4b0b8690b83ca80 1050 comments
- John Oliver offers to pay Clarence Thomas $1m a year if he resigns from supreme court | Clarence Thomas | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/19/john-oliver-clarence-thomas-resign-1-million-offer 578 comments
- AOC launches effort to impeach Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito | US supreme court | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jul/10/aoc-articles-of-impeachment 557 comments
- Justice Clarence Thomas Did Not Disclose Additional Trips From Billionaire Patron, Democrats Say - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2024/12/21/us/politics/clarence-thomas-trips-disclosure-investigation.html 445 comments
- The Supreme Court’s term of clear corruption and the innocence of influence | Salon.com https://www.salon.com/2023/06/30/the-courts-term-of-clear-corruption-and-the-innocence-of-influence/ 438 comments
- Opinion | Sheldon Whitehouse was right about Supreme Court corruption - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/06/25/whitehouse-alito-ethics/ 273 comments
- Alito attacks ProPublica over Pultizer-winning ethics coverage: "They don't like our decisions" | Salon.com https://www.salon.com/2024/06/12/alito-propublica-over-pultizer-winning-ethics-coverage-they-dont-like-our-decisions/ 272 comments
- Samuel Alito Is Wrong and Arrogant—and Must Be Reined In | The New Republic https://newrepublic.com/article/175403/samuel-alito-wrong-arrogant-supreme-court-ethics 257 comments
- Opinion | Welcome to the Supreme Court, where corruption has no meaning - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/06/22/supreme-court-corruption-alito/ 252 comments
- Supreme Court says state officials can engage in a little corruption - Vox https://www.vox.com/scotus/357170/supreme-court-snyder-united-states-corruption 226 comments
- The case for rage against the Supreme Court of the United States - Vox https://www.vox.com/scotus/2023/7/8/23784320/supreme-court-2022-term-affirmative-action-religion-voting-rights-abortion 209 comments
- The US supreme court has hijacked American democracy | Moira Donegan | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jul/11/supreme-court-republican-justices-shame-power-thomas-alito-roberts 196 comments
- Samuel Alito did not declare gifts from billionaire with case before US supreme court | US supreme court | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/law/2023/jun/21/samuel-alito-undisclosed-gifts-billionaire-paul-singer-supreme-court?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other 194 comments
- Samuel Alito disputes new ProPublica report that says justice failed to disclose trip with billionaire who later had business before Supreme Court | CNN Politics https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/06/21/politics/samuel-alito-paul-singer-propublica/index.html 193 comments
- Faith in Trump dominates annual gathering of religious conservatives https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/faith-trump-dominates-annual-gathering-religious-conservatives-rcna90931 183 comments
- "No blaming it on his spouse": Critics say seditious Alito flags expose his "Christian nationalism" | Salon.com https://www.salon.com/2024/05/23/no-blaming-it-on-his-spouse-critics-say-seditious-alito-flags-expose-his-christian-nationalism/ 179 comments
- Samuel Alito’s Revealing Temper Tantrum - The American Prospect https://prospect.org/justice/2023-06-27-samuel-alitos-revealing-temper-tantrum/ 169 comments
- An appeal to heaven: Find Sam Alito another job | Salon.com https://www.salon.com/2024/06/02/an-appeal-to-heaven-find-sam-alito-another-job/ 168 comments
- The Supreme Court Just Made Millions of Americans $10,000 Poorer https://news.yahoo.com/supreme-court-just-made-millions-152000355.html 163 comments
Linked pages
- Clarence Thomas Raised Him. Harlan Crow Paid His Tuition. — ProPublica https://www.propublica.org/article/clarence-thomas-harlan-crow-private-school-tuition-scotus 3438 comments
- Clarence Thomas Didn’t Disclose Harlan Crow Real Estate Deal — ProPublica https://www.propublica.org/article/clarence-thomas-harlan-crow-real-estate-scotus 1157 comments
- Clarence Thomas Secretly Accepted Luxury Trips From GOP Donor — ProPublica https://www.propublica.org/article/clarence-thomas-scotus-undisclosed-luxury-travel-gifts-crow 875 comments
- Justice Samuel Alito: ProPublica Misleads Its Readers - WSJ https://www.wsj.com/articles/propublica-misleads-its-readers-alito-gifts-disclosure-alaska-singer-23b51eda 453 comments
- Clarence Thomas Defends Undisclosed Trips. Here Are the Facts. — ProPublica https://www.propublica.org/article/clarence-thomas-response-trips-legal-experts-harlan-crow 178 comments
- ProPublica — Investigative Journalism and News in the Public Interest https://www.propublica.org/ 97 comments
- Barre Seid Donated $1.6 Billion to Conservative Marble Freedom Trust — ProPublica https://www.propublica.org/article/dark-money-leonard-leo-barre-seid#1398388 58 comments
- How the Clarence Thomas and Harlan Crow Investigation Began — ProPublica https://www.propublica.org/article/clarence-thomas-harlan-crow-investigation-origins 17 comments
- Scalia Took Dozens of Trips Funded by Private Sponsors - The New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/27/us/politics/scalia-led-court-in-taking-trips-funded-by-private-sponsors.html?_r=0&emc=rss&partner=rss 13 comments
- How to Contact ProPublica Securely â ProPublica https://www.propublica.org/article/how-to-leak-to-propublica 3 comments
- Justin Elliott — ProPublica https://www.propublica.org/people/justin-elliott 1 comment
- How Hedge Funds (Secretly) Get Their Way in Washington - Bloomberg https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2018-01-25/how-hedge-funds-secretly-get-their-way-in-washington?cmpid=socialflow-twitter-business 0 comments
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