- ‘Roaring Kitty’ Reddit investor sued over role in GameStop stock surge https://www.polygon.com/2021/2/17/22287804/gamestop-stock-price-lawsuit-roaring-kitty-reddit-robinhood 5 comments technology
- Redditor who helped lead GameStop stock rally sued in federal court https://www.polygon.com/2021/2/17/22287804/gamestop-stock-price-lawsuit-roaring-kitty-reddit-robinhood 38 comments business
- 🌈🐻 angry about GME sues DFV, forgets that big positions = big risks. Sources say plaintiff does not have loss porn fetish https://www.polygon.com/2021/2/17/22287804/gamestop-stock-price-lawsuit-roaring-kitty-reddit-robinhood 9 comments wallstreetbets
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