Hacker News
- A ban on rendering multiplayer games unplayable has a chance to become law https://www.pcgamer.com/gaming-industry/if-1-million-people-sign-a-petition-a-ban-on-rendering-multiplayer-games-unplayable-has-a-chance-to-become-law-in-europe/ 7 comments
- European Citizens' Initiative to prevent publishers from killing games is now live. https://www.pcgamer.com/gaming-industry/if-1-million-people-sign-a-petition-a-ban-on-rendering-multiplayer-games-unplayable-has-a-chance-to-become-law-in-europe/ 158 comments europe
- If 1 million people sign a petition, a ban on rendering multiplayer games unplayable has a chance to become law in Europe https://www.pcgamer.com/gaming-industry/if-1-million-people-sign-a-petition-a-ban-on-rendering-multiplayer-games-unplayable-has-a-chance-to-become-law-in-europe/ 560 comments technology
Linking pages
Linked pages
- Initiative detail | European Citizens' Initiative https://citizens-initiative.europa.eu/initiatives/details/2024/000007_en 1396 comments
- Stop Killing Games https://www.stopkillinggames.com/ 124 comments
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkMe9MxxZiI 14 comments
- 'Make a private hosted version of your game': Knockout City dev's top tip for studios shutting down a live service game is to give players the keys | PC Gamer https://www.pcgamer.com/knockout-city-sunset-gdc-talk/ 1 comment
- Best RAM for gaming in 2024: I've tested the best DDR4 and DDR5 RAM to find the right kits for you | PC Gamer https://www.pcgamer.com/best-ram-for-gaming/ 0 comments