- Reminder: consider using the native "--env-file" instead of "dotenv" https://www.npmjs.com/package/dotenv 44 comments node
Linking pages
- GitHub - robinmoisson/staticrypt: Password protect a static HTML page, decrypted in-browser in JS with no dependency. No server logic needed. https://github.com/robinmoisson/staticrypt 346 comments
- Going Serverless: Migrating an Express Application to Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda | AWS Compute Blog https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/going-serverless-migrating-an-express-application-to-amazon-api-gateway-and-aws-lambda/ 136 comments
- GitHub - adelgado0723/Login-Backend https://github.com/adelgado0723/Login-Backend 130 comments
- Customizing Node.js .env files - LogRocket Blog https://blog.logrocket.com/customizing-node-js-env-files/ 45 comments
- GitHub - eashish93/imgsquash: Simple image compression full website code written in node, react and next.js framework. Easy to deploy as a microservice. https://github.com/eashish93/imgsquash 44 comments
- GitHub - sastraxi/pgsh: Branch your PostgreSQL Database like Git https://github.com/sastraxi/pgsh 37 comments
- GitHub - cawfree/twitch-go: 🎮 A Chromebook desktop streaming utility for Twitch. https://github.com/cawfree/twitch-go 34 comments
- GitHub - dexteryy/spellbook-of-modern-webdev: A Big Picture, Thesaurus, and Taxonomy of Modern JavaScript Web Development https://github.com/dexteryy/spellbook-of-modern-webdev 32 comments
- GitHub - Saifurrahmanemon/SRE-Industries: This project was built to get myself comfortable building projects with large code base and work in a professional real-world development environment with a short deadline in mind. https://github.com/Saifurrahmanemon/SRE-Industries 27 comments
- Password Reset Emails In Your React App Made Easy with Nodemailer | by Paige Niedringhaus | ITNEXT https://medium.com/@paigen11/bb27968310d7 15 comments
- Build a RESTful API using AWS Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB and the Serverless Framework | by Van Huynh | ITNEXT https://medium.com/p/30fc68e08a42 14 comments
- Hiding API Keys with Environment Variables in Node | by Ayush Bajracharya | Medium https://medium.com/@ayushbajracharya_42708/hiding-api-keys-with-environment-variables-in-node-f5ab888f6743 14 comments
- Use TypeScript to Build a Node API with Express | Okta Developer https://developer.okta.com/blog/2018/11/15/node-express-typescript 13 comments
- GitHub - arvindell/envful: A tool to verify the presence of environment variables before running a process 🌳 https://github.com/arvindell/envful 12 comments
- How to secure your web applications (Part 1) | ITNEXT https://medium.com/@geeostan8/how-to-secure-your-web-applications-part-1-cpas-3-715b72973623?sk=d6e529375ca1d2e75bb17685934ce78f&source=friends_link 11 comments
- Managing environment variables in Node.js | by Rafael Vidaurre | Medium https://medium.com/@rafaelvidaurre/managing-environment-variables-in-node-js-2cb45a55195f 10 comments
- Intro to Ethereum smart contracts | InfoWorld https://www.infoworld.com/article/3667276/intro-to-ethereum-smart-contracts.html 9 comments
- GitHub - blakeromano/diversity-hires: Diversity Hires is a project using Node, Express, EJS, and MongoDB to create a job site for diverse canidates https://github.com/blakeromano/diversity-hires 8 comments
- GitHub - vmasto/express-babel: Express starter kit with ES2017+ support, testing, linting, and code coverage https://github.com/vmasto/express-babel 8 comments
- GitHub - motdotla/dotenv: Loads environment variables from .env for nodejs projects. https://github.com/motdotla/dotenv#should-i-have-multiple-env-files 8 comments
Linked pages
- Warp: The intelligent terminal https://www.warp.dev 565 comments
- GitHub - standard/standard: 🌟 JavaScript Style Guide, with linter & automatic code fixer https://github.com/feross/standard 113 comments
- WorkOS â Your app, Enterprise Ready. https://workos.com 95 comments
- The Twelve-Factor App https://12factor.net/config 23 comments
- Retool | Build internal tools, remarkably fast. https://retool.com/ 20 comments
- ES6 In Depth: Modules - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog https://hacks.mozilla.org/2015/08/es6-in-depth-modules/ 4 comments
- GitHub - dotenv-org/dotenv-vault: sync .env files—from the creator of `dotenv`. https://github.com/dotenv-org/dotenv-vault 3 comments
- Create React App https://create-react-app.dev/ 0 comments
- CircleCI warns customers to rotate 'any and all secrets' after hack • TechCrunch https://techcrunch.com/2023/01/05/circleci-breach/ 0 comments
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