- Still paying for antivirus software? Experts say you probably don't need it https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/security/still-paying-antivirus-software-experts-say-probably-dont-need-rcna6335 7 comments technews
- Still paying for antivirus software? Experts say you probably don't need it | Viruses are no longer the biggest threats for most users, particularly now that software updates itself automatically and so much personal computing happens over the internet. https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/security/still-paying-antivirus-software-experts-say-probably-dont-need-rcna6335 12 comments technology
Linking pages
- Norton Crypto: Why an antivirus software company is now into cryptomining. https://slate.com/technology/2022/01/norton-crypto-cryptomining-antivirus-software.html 147 comments
- It's probably time to say goodbye to your VPN https://news.yahoo.com/probably-time-goodbye-vpn-154042727.html 8 comments
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