- Error attempting to install SQL Server Express Edition https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/sql-server/sql-server-downloads 4 comments sqlserver
- SQL 2017 standard download https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/sql-server/sql-server-downloads 6 comments sql
- Do I need a license for SQL Server Express in the Dev computer? https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/sql-server/sql-server-downloads 4 comments sqlserver
Linking pages
- So you want Database Version Control? | DoltHub Blog https://www.dolthub.com/blog/2021-09-17-database-version-control/ 25 comments
- GitHub - moritz-mm/BlogEngine: A simple BlogEngine written in ASP.NET Core https://github.com/cetoxx/BlogCoreEngine 18 comments
- Testcontainers makes integration testing Jakarta EE easy - AtomicJar https://www.atomicjar.com/2022/03/easy-jakarta-ee-integration-testing-with-the-payara-platform-and-testcontainers/ 15 comments
- GitHub - sansemmanuel/open-source-crm: LandingPage https://github.com/sansemmanuel/open-source-crm 8 comments
- GitHub - Manuel7806/sql-server-hospital-database: A simple database that people can install and use to practice writing queries with. https://github.com/Manuel7806/sql-server-hospital-database 7 comments
- GitHub - moritz-mm/InstaNet: A mini Instagram written in ASP.NET Core https://github.com/cetoxx/InstaNet 6 comments
- GitHub - casptr/p3ops-demo-app https://github.com/casptr/p3ops-demo-app/tree/main 4 comments
- Apache ShardingSphere 5.2.0 is Released, Bringing New Cloud Native Possibilities | FAUN Publication https://shardingsphere.medium.com/8d674d964a93?sk=6313e91b614e321d69f047709a8f8588&source=friends_link 0 comments
- What Does It Take To Be a Tech Giant? | Miguel Rochefort https://miguelrochefort.com/blog/tech-giant/ 0 comments
- F6 Automobile Technology’s Multimillion Rows of Data Sharding Strategy with ShardingSphere | Dev Genius https://shardingsphere.medium.com/f6-automobile-technologys-multi-million-rows-of-data-sharding-strategy-based-on-apache-18c15114b9c6 0 comments
- How I Build and Deliver B2B SaaS Software – Assetbots https://www.assetbots.com/blog/how-i-build-and-deliver-b2b-saas-software 0 comments
- How does Apache ShardingSphere implement distributed transactions? | CodeX https://shardingsphere.medium.com/48f9b7cee6d8?sk=f3b0de56f2c43ca04cafe223b55c6971&source=friends_link 0 comments
- Hype Tech Journal #2 - by HypeTech Education https://hypetechjournal.substack.com/p/hype-tech-journal-2?r=1gbzv1&s=w 0 comments
- 10 Best Databases for Machine Learning & AI (2023) - Unite.AI https://www.unite.ai/10-best-databases-for-machine-learning-ai/ 0 comments
- What’s the Database Plus concept and what challenges can it solve? | FAUN Publication https://shardingsphere.medium.com/715920ba65aa?sk=c28cd9c8a06ced62c38574034dc736cc&source=friends_link 0 comments
- GitHub - apache/shardingsphere: Ecosystem to transform any database into a distributed database system, and enhance it with sharding, elastic scaling, encryption features & more https://github.com/apache/shardingsphere 0 comments
- GitHub - livealvi/.NET-Point-of-Sale-POS--Csharp: This POS Project was developed with N-Tier Architecture in C# and follows Object Relational Mapping (ORM) from scratch and using MS SQL Server 2019 and .NET Framework 4.8 as Backend. https://github.com/livealvi/.NET-Point-of-Sale-POS--Csharp#database 0 comments
- GitHub - ADRNV/TestTaskEntityService https://github.com/ADRNV/TestTaskEntityService 0 comments
- GitHub - AIO1/PrimeNGTableReusableComponent: A solution that shows how to use a PrimeNG table with advance filters delegating all logic to the database engine. This solution is designed to use Angular for the frontend and a .NET API (ASP.NET) for the backend. As database engine SQL-Server has been used, but other databases should work with small modifications. https://github.com/AIO1/PrimeNGTableReusableComponent 0 comments
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