Hacker News
- Facebook stock drops more than 20% after revenue forecast misses https://www.marketwatch.com/story/facebook-stock-crushed-after-revenue-user-growth-miss-2018-07-25 388 comments
- "Chief Financial Officer David Wehner disclosed that the social-media giant expects the revenue-growth slowdown to continue" I.e Don't touch Facebook until next next earnings report. Bounce back unlikely. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/facebook-stock-crushed-after-revenue-user-growth-miss-2018-07-25 4 comments wallstreetbets
- Facebook stock drops more than 20% after revenue forecast misses https://www.marketwatch.com/story/facebook-stock-crushed-after-revenue-user-growth-miss-2018-07-25 14 comments worldnews
Linking pages
- Instagram’s Problem With Fake Users Might Be Much Bigger — and Far Darker — Than You Think | Fstoppers https://fstoppers.com/originals/instagrams-problem-fake-users-might-be-much-bigger-and-far-darker-you-think-485579#comment-thread 92 comments
- Facebook stock drops roughly 20%, loses $120 billion in value after warning that revenue growth will take a hit - MarketWatch https://www.marketwatch.com/story/guid/0dbb49a6-903b-11e8-aeff-def8675d8cb8 56 comments
- Ranking Facebook’s Scandalous 2018 http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2018/12/ranking-facebooks-scandalous-2018.html 5 comments
- Can GDPR and Facebook Losses Boost Decentralized Social Media? | by Mohamed Fouda | Medium https://medium.com/zkcapital/can-gdpr-and-facebook-losses-boost-decentralized-social-media-84f8909a9284 0 comments
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