- Lua bindings: register a CL closure as C function and call it from Lua https://www.lua.org/manual/5.4/manual.html#lua_pushcfunction 2 comments common_lisp
Linking pages
- So you want custom allocator support in your C library https://nullprogram.com/blog/2023/12/17/ 122 comments
- GitHub - SpartanJ/ecode: Lightweight multi-platform code editor designed for modern hardware with a focus on responsiveness and performance. https://github.com/SpartanJ/ecode 102 comments
- Using Lua with C++ (and C) https://edw.is/using-lua-with-cpp/ 52 comments
- GitHub - luainkernel/lunatik: Lunatik is a framework for scripting the Linux kernel with Lua. https://github.com/luainkernel/lunatik 45 comments
- GitHub - luvit/luv: Bare libuv bindings for lua https://github.com/luvit/luv 15 comments
- GitHub - chrisgrieser/nvim-spider: Use the w, e, b motions like a spider. Move by subwords and skip insignificant punctuation. https://github.com/chrisgrieser/nvim-spider 10 comments
- Typesetting Markdown – Part 8: Annotations (Dave Jarvis) https://dave.autonoma.ca/blog/2020/04/28/typesetting-markdown-part-8/ 6 comments
- martin-fieber.de | Debugging and profiling Lua https://martin-fieber.de/blog/debugging-and-profiling-lua/ 6 comments
- GitHub - jonasgeiler/lua-fenster: 📚 The most minimal cross-platform GUI library - now in Lua! https://github.com/jonasgeiler/lua-fenster 5 comments
- GitHub - khvzak/mlua: High level Lua 5.4/5.3/5.2/5.1 (including LuaJIT) and Roblox Luau bindings to Rust with async/await support https://github.com/khvzak/mlua 2 comments
- martin-fieber.de | How to test your Lua https://martin-fieber.de/blog/how-to-test-your-lua/ 2 comments
- GitHub - edubart/forkmon: Watch for file changes and auto restart an application using fork checkpoints to continue the process (for quick live development) https://github.com/edubart/forkmon 1 comment
- GitHub - natecraddock/ziglua: Zig bindings for the Lua C API https://github.com/natecraddock/ziglua 1 comment
- GitHub - edubart/minicoro: Single header stackful cross-platform coroutine library in pure C. https://github.com/edubart/minicoro 0 comments
- GitHub - gilzoide/stringstream-lua: An object that loads chunks of strings on demand compatible with a subset of the Lua string API suitable for parsing https://github.com/gilzoide/stringstream-lua 0 comments
- tl/tutorial.md at master · teal-language/tl · GitHub https://github.com/teal-language/tl/blob/master/docs/tutorial.md 0 comments
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