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- James Webb telescope confirms there is something seriously wrong with our understanding of the universe | Live Science 2617 comments
- Tiny Chinese-made BV100 radioactive battery can last 50 years — and it's coming in 2025 | Live Science 15 comments
- India's evolutionary past tied to huge migration 50,000 years ago and to now-extinct human relatives | Live Science 0 comments
- A new theory of quantum gravity could explain the biggest puzzle in cosmology, study suggests | Live Science 0 comments
- Black holes could be driving the expansion of the universe, new study suggests | Live Science 0 comments
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- AI drone that could hunt and kill people built in just hours by scientist 'for a game' | Live Science 269 comments
- A branch of the flu family tree has died and won't be included in future US vaccines | Live Science 193 comments
- There may be a 'dark mirror' universe within ours where atoms failed to form, new study suggests | Live Science 98 comments
- World's smallest particle accelerator is 54 million times smaller than the Large Hadron Collider, and it works | Live Science 70 comments
- Scientists just discovered a massive reservoir of helium beneath Minnesota | Live Science 25 comments
- After 2 years in space, the James Webb telescope has broken cosmology. Can it be fixed? | Live Science 21 comments
- US government wanted to reverse-engineer alien ships — but never found any, Pentagon UFO report reveals | Live Science 1 comment
- Astronomers find heaviest black hole pair in the universe, and they've been trapped in an endless duel for 3 billion years | Live Science 0 comments
- Woolly mammoth de-extinction inches closer after elephant stem cell breakthrough | Live Science 0 comments
- The James Webb telescope may have found some of the very 1st stars in the universe | Live Science 0 comments
- India's evolutionary past tied to huge migration 50,000 years ago and to now-extinct human relatives | Live Science 0 comments
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