- On Feb. 6th, a SC news station revealed that Charleston County Democratic Party (CCDP) was charging more than $1,700 to watch the SC debate. The next day, the CCDP removed the sponsorship link on its website and changed its wording to “Unfortunately, CCDP will not have any tickets to distribute" https://www.live5news.com/2020/02/07/charleston-co-democratic-party-no-longer-offering-guaranteed-seats-debate-exchange-online-sponsorship/ 5 comments politics
- Charleston Co. Democratic Party no longer offering guaranteed seats to debate in exchange for $1700+ online sponsorship https://www.live5news.com/2020/02/07/charleston-co-democratic-party-no-longer-offering-guaranteed-seats-debate-exchange-online-sponsorship/ 3 comments politics
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