- If you're going to read part of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), the summary for policymakers is the part to read. This is it. https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg1/downloads/report/IPCC_AR6_WGI_SPM.pdf 10 comments climate
Linking pages
- Children born today will see literally thousands of animals disappear in their lifetime, as global food webs collapse https://theconversation.com/children-born-today-will-see-literally-thousands-of-animals-disappear-in-their-lifetime-as-global-food-webs-collapse-196286 1825 comments
- 100 million Americans will be in ‘extreme heat belt’ region by 2053 | The Independent https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/extreme-heat-belt-global-warming-2053-b2145320.html 762 comments
- Solving the climate crisis requires the end of capitalism | Salon.com https://www.salon.com/2021/10/09/solving-the-climate-requires-the-end-of-capitalism/ 586 comments
- Solving the climate crisis requires the end of capitalism | Salon.com https://www.salon.com/2021/10/09/solving-the-climate-requires-the-end-of-capitalism/ 586 comments
- Recent, rapid ocean warming ahead of El Niño alarms scientists - BBC News https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-65339934 502 comments
- The climate disaster is here – this is what the future looks like | Environment | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/environment/ng-interactive/2021/oct/14/climate-change-happening-now-stats-graphs-maps-cop26 270 comments
- Natural systems in Australia are unravelling. If they collapse, human society could too https://theconversation.com/natural-systems-in-australia-are-unravelling-if-they-collapse-human-society-could-too-187263 219 comments
- 'We don't really consider it low probability anymore': Collapse of key Atlantic current could have catastrophic impacts, says oceanographer Stefan Rahmstorf | Live Science https://www.livescience.com/planet-earth/rivers-oceans/we-dont-really-consider-it-low-probability-anymore-collapse-of-key-atlantic-current-could-have-catastrophic-impacts-says-oceanographer-stefan-rahmstorf 79 comments
- UN climate report raises pressure on Biden to seize a rare moment | Joe Biden | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/aug/10/un-climate-report-joe-biden-us-response 69 comments
- Democrats, Republicans are deeply divided on extreme weather, poll finds - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2023/08/23/extreme-weather-climate-change-poll/ 51 comments
- Rising temperatures break more than 1,300 records in US amid severe heatwave | The Independent https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/heatwave-record-temperatures-california-blackout-b2164111.html 40 comments
- IPCC report: Welcome to ‘Trump world,’ the climate future scientists fear - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2021/08/10/trump-world-climate-change/ 39 comments
- Nasa heat map reveals July’s dangerously high temperatures in US | The Independent https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/heatwave-map-us-nasa-summer-b2137642.html 19 comments
- How Meat and Fossil Fuel Producers Watered Down the Latest IPCC Report https://www.distilled.earth/p/how-meat-and-fossil-fuel-producers 19 comments
- Heatwaves grip parts of Europe, Asia and North America in the first half of 2022 | Copernicus https://climate.copernicus.eu/heatwaves-grip-parts-europe-asia-and-north-america-first-half-2022 17 comments
- Nearly every marine species will be at risk of extinction within 78 years if greenhouse gas emissions are not limited, study finds - CBS News https://www.cbsnews.com/news/marine-species-extinction-risk-greenhouse-gas-emissions/?ftag=CNM-00-10aab7e&linkId=178466289#app 16 comments
- Madagascar’s Famine Is a Warning. It’s Time We Heed It. | by Raunaq Nambiar | Climate Conscious | Medium https://medium.com/climate-conscious/madagascars-famine-is-a-warning-it-s-time-we-heed-it-678621723d89 13 comments
- Earth's energy budget is not in balance. Should we be concerned? https://theconversation.com/earths-energy-budget-is-not-in-balance-should-we-be-concerned-204729 13 comments
- Spain prepares for record-breaking high temperatures as heatwave intensifies | News | EL PAÍS English Edition https://english.elpais.com/news/2021-08-13/spain-prepares-for-record-breaking-high-temperatures-as-heatwave-intensifies.html 12 comments
- Climate Questions: How do we know humans triggered warming? | AP News https://apnews.com/article/science-climate-and-environment-099266b36d6e637d405dead6f0914a0f 12 comments