- A longevity "switch" proven to extend life in worms could exist in humans too — Worms genetically engineered to have increased levels of VRK-1 had increased lifespans: 20.8 & 23.7 (experimental) against 16.9 (control) days on average. The same pattern held up in cultured human cells. https://www.inverse.com/mind-body/scientists-identify-a-longevity-switch-in-worm-human-cells 9 comments science
- In roundworms, the activation of enzyme VRK-1 appears to extend life by several days (a similar version of this enzyme is also seen in humans). This mechanism could mildly slow mitochondrial respiration – which has been proposed to extend longevity in previous studies. https://www.inverse.com/mind-body/scientists-identify-a-longevity-switch-in-worm-human-cells 3 comments science
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