- Face shields can protect against the initial spray of droplets from a cough, but not small aerosols, which may escape out the bottom of the shield. In an imaging experiment, small droplets drifted 3 feet from a simulated cougher in 10 seconds. https://www.inverse.com/mind-body/do-face-shields-work-better-than-masks 14 comments science
Linked pages
- Mask wearers are “dramatically less likely” to get a severe case of Covid-19 https://www.inverse.com/mind-body/masks-breathing-in-less-coronavirus-means-you-get-less-sick 21 comments
- Moving Personal Protective Equipment Into the Community: Face Shields and Containment of COVID-19 | Infectious Diseases | JAMA | JAMA Network https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2765525 0 comments
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