Hacker News
- Andrew Yang says the coronavirus outbreak shows why we need basic income https://www.inverse.com/innovation/basic-income-coronavirus 18 comments
- Andrew Yang says the coronavirus outbreak shows why we need basic income. "Too many people are heading to work sick because they can't afford to miss a paycheck." https://www.inverse.com/innovation/basic-income-coronavirus 2 comments futurology
- Andrew Yang says the coronavirus outbreak shows why we need basic income. "Too many people are heading to work sick because they can't afford to miss a paycheck." https://www.inverse.com/innovation/basic-income-coronavirus 12 comments futurology
- Andrew Yang says the coronavirus outbreak shows why we need basic income. "Too many people are heading to work sick because they can't afford to miss a paycheck." https://www.inverse.com/innovation/basic-income-coronavirus 11 comments futurology
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