- NASA sent one identical twin to space for a year, while the other stayed on Earth. Preliminary findings show changes in body mass, cognition, the immune system, and hundreds of gene mutations. https://www.inquisitr.com/4791929/how-does-space-change-the-human-body-nasas-twins-study-will-have-the-answers/ 294 comments space
- NASA’s Twins Study will tell us how space changes the human body: NASA sent one identical twin to space for a year, while the other stayed on Earth. Preliminary findings show changes in body mass, cognition, the immune system, and hundreds of gene mutations. https://www.inquisitr.com/4791929/how-does-space-change-the-human-body-nasas-twins-study-will-have-the-answers/ 106 comments science
Linked pages
- How does space change the human body? | Astronomy.com http://www.astronomy.com/news/2018/02/how-does-space-change-the-human-body 235 comments
- NASA Twins Study Confirms Preliminary Findings | NASA https://www.nasa.gov/feature/nasa-twins-study-confirms-preliminary-findings 36 comments
- THE INQUISITR http://www.inquisitr.com/ 4 comments
- Astronauts Scott and Mark Kelly on NASA’s twin experiment and the future of space travel - The Verge http://www.theverge.com/2017/3/21/14805232/nasa-twin-study-astronauts-mark-scott-kelly-space-interview 0 comments
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