- The Michael Cohen hearing proved Trump has killed the Republican party https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/michael-cohen-trump-republican-party-hearing-testimony-a8800696.html?fbclid=iwar1kqrufuuz1i_rkakdutb56wq9rq7cks30zxj2dnbcap8epnvnojowvmhi 8 comments politics
- The Michael Cohen hearing was the perfect metaphor for the maggot-eaten rotting corpse of the Republican party under Trump — It’s hard to feel sympathy for a man who harassed journalists and paid off porn stars, but it’s possible that these GOP Congressional members achieved it. Bravo https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/michael-cohen-trump-republican-party-hearing-testimony-a8800696.html 224 comments politics
Linked pages
- At Michael Cohen hearing, an unexpected guest: Lynne Patton, a former Trump employee and current HUD official - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2019/02/27/why-did-gop-congressman-invite-this-hud-official-stand-behind-him-michael-cohen-hearing/ 28 comments
- Cohen to testify Trump dodged service in Vietnam | The Hill https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/431768-cohen-to-testify-trump-dodged-service-in-vietnam-he-said-there-was-no 3 comments