- In Germany, strict recycling laws are widely praised. But success masks a dark truth: 'a staggering amount of the country’s recyclables don’t actually end up where people think - most of it is incinerated in Germany or shipped to poorer countries, where it’s dumped or burned illegally.' https://www.huffpost.com/entry/germany-recycling-reality_n_5d30fccbe4b004b6adad52f8 9 comments germany
- The Brutal Reality Of Being The World's 'Best' Recycler. In Germany, strict recycling laws are widely praised. But success masks a dark truth. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/germany-recycling-reality_n_5d30fccbe4b004b6adad52f8 11 comments europe
- In Germany, strict recycling laws are widely praised. But success masks a dark truth: 'a staggering amount of the country’s recyclables don’t actually end up where people think - most of it is incinerated in Germany or shipped to poorer countries, where it’s dumped or burned illegally.' https://www.huffpost.com/entry/germany-recycling-reality_n_5d30fccbe4b004b6adad52f8 456 comments worldnews
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