Hacker News
- West London faces new home ban as electric grid at capacity due to data centres https://www.ft.com/content/519f701f-6a05-4cf4-bc46-22cf10c7c2c0 85 comments
Linking pages
- Weapons firm says it can't meet soaring demand for artillery shells because a TikTok data center is eating all the electricity https://news.yahoo.com/weapons-firm-says-cant-meet-125739767.html 160 comments
- Weapons firm says it can't meet soaring demand for artillery shells because a TikTok data center is eating all the electricity https://www.yahoo.com/news/weapons-firm-says-cant-meet-125739767.html 20 comments
- Data center electricity demands could curtail London housing development | TechCrunch https://techcrunch.com/2022/07/28/datacenter-electricity-demands-could-curtail-london-housing-development/ 5 comments
- Weapons firm says it can't meet soaring demand for artillery shells because a TikTok data center is eating all the electricity https://ca.yahoo.com/news/weapons-firm-says-cant-meet-125739767.html 5 comments
- The electricity demands of data centers are making it harder to build new homes in London - The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2022/7/28/23282007/electricity-demands-london-data-centers-blocking-new-housing-development 0 comments
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