Hacker News
- FBI Seizure of Mastodon Servers Is a Wakeup Call to Hosts to Protect Users(2023) https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/07/fbi-seizure-mastodon-server-wakeup-call-fediverse-users-and-hosts-protect-their 2 comments
- FBI seizure of Mastodon server is a wakeup call to Fediverse users and hosts to protect their users https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/07/fbi-seizure-mastodon-server-wakeup-call-fediverse-users-and-hosts-protect-their 111 comments privacy
- FBI Seizure of Mastodon Server is a Wakeup Call to Fediverse Users and Hosts to Protect their Users https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/07/fbi-seizure-mastodon-server-wakeup-call-fediverse-users-and-hosts-protect-their 3 comments futurology
- FBI Seizure of Mastodon Server is a Wakeup Call to Fediverse Users and Hosts to Protect their Users https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/07/fbi-seizure-mastodon-server-wakeup-call-fediverse-users-and-hosts-protect-their 73 comments technology