Hacker News
- Why do people believe true things? https://www.conspicuouscognition.com/p/why-do-people-believe-true-things 56 comments
- Why people believe true things: Ignorance and misperceptions are not puzzling. The challenge is to explain why some people see reality accurately https://www.conspicuouscognition.com/p/why-do-people-believe-true-things 44 comments philosophy
Linking pages
- Fashionable ideas - by Dan Williams - Conspicuous Cognition https://www.conspicuouscognition.com/p/fashionable-ideas 0 comments
- Friedman, Williams, and Intellectual Charity https://arnoldkling.substack.com/p/friedman-williams-and-intellectual 0 comments
- Strategic paranoia: When irrational fears serve rational ends https://www.conspicuouscognition.com/p/strategic-paranoia-when-irrational 0 comments
- Smart People Are Especially Prone to Tribalism, Dogmatism and Virtue Signaling https://musaalgharbi.substack.com/p/smart-people-are-especially-prone 0 comments
Linked pages
- Are people too flawed, ignorant, and tribal for open societies? https://www.conspicuouscognition.com/p/are-people-too-flawed-ignorant-and 88 comments
- Public Opinion (book) - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_Opinion_(book) 1 comment
- The Fixation of Belief - Wikisource, the free online library https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Fixation_of_Belief 0 comments
- The Wealth of Nations - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wealth_of_Nations 0 comments
- The Survival of the Friendliest? - Dan Williams https://www.conspicuouscognition.com/p/the-survival-of-the-friendliest 0 comments
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