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- DOJ warns Elon Musk that his $1M giveaway to registered voters may not be legal https://www.cnn.com/2024/10/23/politics/elon-musk-justice-department-letter/index.html 3 comments
- Justice Department warns Elon Musk that his $1 million giveaway to registered voters may be illegal https://edition.cnn.com/2024/10/23/politics/elon-musk-justice-department-letter/index.html 55 comments worldnews
- Justice Department warns Elon Musk that his $1 million giveaway to registered voters may be illegal https://edition.cnn.com/2024/10/23/politics/elon-musk-justice-department-letter 36 comments politics
- Justice Department warns Elon Musk that his $1 million giveaway to registered voters may be illegal https://edition.cnn.com/2024/10/23/politics/elon-musk-justice-department-letter/index.html 210 comments moderatepolitics
- Justice Department warns Elon Musk that his $1 million giveaway to registered voters may be illegal https://www.cnn.com/2024/10/23/politics/elon-musk-justice-department-letter/index.html 115 comments politics
- Justice Department warns Elon Musk that his $1 million giveaway to registered voters may be illegal https://www.cnn.com/2024/10/23/politics/elon-musk-justice-department-letter/index.html 82 comments law
- Justice Department warns Elon Musk that his $1 million giveaway to registered voters may be illegal https://edition.cnn.com/2024/10/23/politics/elon-musk-justice-department-letter/index.html 91 comments politics
Linking pages
- Elon Musk Gets Reminder From the DOJ That Paying People to Vote Is a Crime Punishable By Up To 5 Years in Prison | Vanity Fair https://www.vanityfair.com/news/story/elon-musk-doj-letter-paying-people-to-vote-is-a-crime 468 comments
- Elon Musk’s super PAC awards $1 million prizes to 2 registered voters, despite DOJ warning | CNN Politics https://www.cnn.com/2024/10/25/politics/elon-musk-super-pac-winners-doj-warning 119 comments
- After news of DOJ warning, Elon Musk’s super PAC didn’t announce ‘daily’ lottery winner on Wednesday | CNN Politics https://edition.cnn.com/2024/10/24/politics/elon-musk-super-pac-lottery-winner-doj-warning/index.html 104 comments
- In Pews Across America, Evangelicals Are Told That God Wants Donald Trump | WIRED https://www.wired.com/story/in-pews-across-america-evangelicals-are-told-that-god-wants-donald-trump/ 70 comments
- DOJ warns Musk that $1M petition giveaways could be illegal https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/doj-warns-musk-1m-petition-giveaway-illegal-rcna176911 69 comments
- After news of DOJ warning, Elon Musk’s super PAC didn’t announce ‘daily’ lottery winner on Wednesday | CNN Politics https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/10/24/politics/elon-musk-super-pac-lottery-winner-doj-warning 51 comments
- Claims in 'Duty to Warn' Letter to Harris Alleging Compromised Election Are Misleading | Snopes.com https://www.snopes.com/news/2024/11/21/stephen-spoonamore-letter-harris/ 37 comments
- NASA chief calls for investigation into report that Musk and Putin have spoken regularly | CNN Politics https://www.cnn.com/2024/10/25/politics/elon-musk-vladimir-putin/index.html 24 comments
- New Acquisitions: 1933 and the Definition of Fascism – A Collection of Unmitigated Pedantry https://acoup.blog/2024/10/25/new-acquisitions-1933-and-the-definition-of-fascism/ 21 comments
- A Recent Timeline of Elon Musk Going All In on Trump | WIRED https://www.wired.com/story/elon-musk-trump-timeline/ 16 comments
- Elon Musk’s PAC is powered by coal - by Arielle Samuelson https://heated.world/p/elon-musks-pac-is-powered-by-coal 6 comments
- Philadelphia DA sues Elon Musk over $1 million giveaway to swing state voters, days after Justice Department issues warning https://www.yahoo.com/news/philadelphia-da-sues-elon-musk-over-1-million-giveaway-to-swing-state-voters-days-after-justice-department-issues-warning-142002571.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cDovL3d3dy5zbWFydG5ld3MuY29tLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAALfoRqE2w1RbsfejZa-Rv-PxXw95cQIZs6LPlyceDjkr0HmIP93GW949euRQKD5vbmZwlI23do7JHcXgZ6guKQ0N1asHwTjGJgMlNsIEBGIqsdaz9Aw3BbAOMSXXu4XlcC5FfJtd187FbJndE9qSRZMUm17g6RQWhCLWOnSx22XN 2 comments
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