- BP warns of $17.5 billion hit as pandemic accelerates move away from oil https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/15/business/bp-oil-demand-coronavirus/index.html 3 comments environment
- BP warns of $17.5 billion hit as pandemic accelerates move away from oil https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/15/business/bp-oil-demand-coronavirus/index.html 9 comments economy
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- Shell says its oil production has peaked and will fall every year | CNN Business https://edition.cnn.com/2021/02/11/business/shell-oil-production-peak/index.html 1286 comments
- BP will slash oil output by 40% and pour billions into green energy | CNN Business https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/04/business/bp-oil-clean-energy/index.html 1211 comments
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- Breaking News, Latest News and Videos | CNN https://www.cnn.com 108889 comments
- BP to cut 10,000 jobs after oil price crash | CNN Business https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/08/business/bp-job-cuts/index.html 58 comments
- Germany hands out cash for electric cars as part of huge new stimulus splurge | CNN Business https://edition.cnn.com/2020/06/04/business/germany-stimulus-electric-cars/index.html 19 comments
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