Hacker News
- Reddit is letting go of employees in community management and other teams https://www.businessinsider.com/reddit-layoffs-various-roles-evaluates-employee-performance-2023-1 5 comments
- Reddit is letting go of employees in community management and other teams as it evaluates staff performance https://www.businessinsider.com/reddit-layoffs-various-roles-evaluates-employee-performance-2023-1 129 comments technology
Linking pages
- Reddit Staffers Who Lost Jobs Livid at Being Painted As Low Performers https://businessinsider.com/reddit-job-cuts-employees-livid-company-painting-them-low-performers-2023-2 2145 comments
- Reddit Staffers Who Lost Jobs Livid at Being Painted As Low Performers https://www.businessinsider.com/reddit-job-cuts-employees-livid-company-painting-them-low-performers-2023-2?IR=T&r=US 6 comments
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