Hacker News
- Ex Amazon employees complain how 'frugal' their former employer was https://www.businessinsider.com/ex-amazon-employees-google-complain-frugal-former-company-email-2022-9 14 comments
- Google employees who used to work at Amazon complain to each other just how 'frugal' their former employer was: No second monitors, no MacBooks, and splitting one bagel between two people at office meetings https://www.businessinsider.com/ex-amazon-employees-google-complain-frugal-former-company-email-2022-9 24 comments economics
- Google employees who used to work at Amazon complain to each other just how 'frugal' their former employer was: No second monitors, no MacBooks, and splitting one bagel between two people at office meetings | https://www.businessinsider.com/ex-amazon-employees-google-complain-frugal-former-company-email-2022-9 504 comments technology
Linking pages
- Google employees who used to work at Amazon complain to each other just how 'frugal' their former employer was: No second monitors, no MacBooks, and splitting one bagel between two people at office meetings https://finance.yahoo.com/news/google-employees-used-amazon-complain-215022745.html 33 comments
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