Hacker News
- Fewer people are buying electric cars in the US https://www.businessinsider.com/electric-car-ev-sales-prices-problem-transportation-2024-1 2127 comments
- America's plan to replace gas guzzlers with electric cars was doomed from the start https://www.businessinsider.com/electric-car-ev-sales-prices-problem-transportation-2024-1 78 comments technology
- America's plan to replace gas guzzlers with electric cars was doomed from the start https://www.businessinsider.com/electric-car-ev-sales-prices-problem-transportation-2024-1 10 comments environment
Linking pages
- China Is Winning the Race for 5-Minute EV Charging - Business Insider https://www.businessinsider.com/china-winning-race-for-five-minute-ev-charging-2024-12 46 comments
- Read the memo Elon Musk sent Tesla staff announcing that the company is laying off more than 10% of the workforce https://www.yahoo.com/news/read-memo-elon-musk-sent-113716134.html 3 comments
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