- The Blazers and Cavs game today has broken the record for fewest combined turnovers in an NBA game, with only 7 between the two teams. https://www.blazersedge.com/2019/1/16/18186412/trail-blazers-cavaliers-break-nba-turnover-record 17 comments nba
Linked pages
- The official site of the NBA for the latest NBA Scores, Stats & News. | NBA.com https://nba.com 3981 comments
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/nba_regular_season_records#game_2 94 comments
- http://www.nba.com/history/records/regular_turnovers.html 25 comments
- Blazer's Edge, a Portland Trail Blazers community http://www.blazersedge.com 23 comments
- Pounding The Rock, a San Antonio Spurs community https://www.poundingtherock.com/ 20 comments
- Fear The Sword, a Cleveland Cavaliers community http://www.fearthesword.com/ 5 comments
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