- If alien life is artificially intelligent, it may be stranger than we can imagine | "We've long assumed that aliens will be like us, but there's every reason to think they are instead a form of unfathomable AI, says the UK astronomer royal Lord Martin Rees" https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231025-if-alien-life-is-artificially-intelligent-it-may-be-stranger-than-we-can-imagine 130 comments aliens
- If alien life is artificially intelligent, it may be stranger than we can imagine https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231025-if-alien-life-is-artificially-intelligent-it-may-be-stranger-than-we-can-imagine 2 comments aliens
- If alien life is artificially intelligent, it may be stranger than we can imagine https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231025-if-alien-life-is-artificially-intelligent-it-may-be-stranger-than-we-can-imagine 3 comments aliens
- If alien life is artificially intelligent, it may be stranger than we can imagine https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231025-if-alien-life-is-artificially-intelligent-it-may-be-stranger-than-we-can-imagine 139 comments technology
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