Hacker News
- Why We're Leaving the Cloud https://world.hey.com/dhh/why-we-re-leaving-the-cloud-654b47e0 2 comments
- Why we're leaving the cloud https://world.hey.com/dhh/why-we-re-leaving-the-cloud-654b47e0 2 comments
- 37signals Leaves the Cloud https://world.hey.com/dhh/why-we-re-leaving-the-cloud-654b47e0 90 comments
- Why we're leaving the cloud https://world.hey.com/dhh/why-we-re-leaving-the-cloud-654b47e0 50 comments devops , practices , scaling
- Why we're leaving the cloud https://world.hey.com/dhh/why-we-re-leaving-the-cloud-654b47e0 24 comments webdev
- Basecamp against the cloud https://world.hey.com/dhh/why-we-re-leaving-the-cloud-654b47e0 20 comments technology
- DHH: We're Leaving The Cloud https://world.hey.com/dhh/why-we-re-leaving-the-cloud-654b47e0 70 comments rails
- Why we're leaving the cloud (Basecamp, Hey founder) https://world.hey.com/dhh/why-we-re-leaving-the-cloud-654b47e0 147 comments selfhosted
- DHH: Why we are leaving the cloud https://world.hey.com/dhh/why-we-re-leaving-the-cloud-654b47e0 554 comments programming
Linking pages
- We stand to save $7m over five years from our cloud exit https://world.hey.com/dhh/we-stand-to-save-7m-over-five-years-from-our-cloud-exit-53996caa 854 comments
- The Big Cloud Exit FAQ https://world.hey.com/dhh/the-big-cloud-exit-faq-20274010 255 comments
- We are still early with the cloud: why software development is overdue for a change · Erik Bernhardsson https://erikbern.com/2022/10/19/we-are-still-early-with-the-cloud.html 199 comments
- Leaving the Cloud | REWORK https://www.rework.fm/leaving-the-cloud/ 195 comments
- We have left the cloud https://world.hey.com/dhh/we-have-left-the-cloud-251760fb 154 comments
- Our cloud-exit savings will now top ten million over five years https://world.hey.com/dhh/our-cloud-exit-savings-will-now-top-ten-million-over-five-years-c7d9b5bd 108 comments
- Basecamp-maker 37Signals says its “cloud exit” will save it $10M over 5 years - Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2024/10/basecamp-maker-37signals-says-its-cloud-exit-will-save-it-10m-over-5-years/ 83 comments
- We decided to host our GPUs - Gumlet https://www.gumlet.com/blog/time-to-own-gpus/ 59 comments
- Cloud exit pays off in performance too https://world.hey.com/dhh/cloud-exit-pays-off-in-performance-too-4c53b697 43 comments
- GitHub - mrsked/mrsk: Deploy web apps anywhere. https://github.com/mrsked/mrsk 30 comments
- How to deploy multiple Rails apps on a single server with Capistrano – Jan Matuszewski – Business-oriented engineer https://jmatuszewski.com/How-to-deploy-multiple-apps-on-single-server-with-Capistrano/ 16 comments
- The Big Cloud Exit FAQ https://world.hey.com/dhh/the-big-cloud-exit-faq-20274010?trk=feed_main-feed-card_feed-article-content 14 comments
- Sovereign clouds https://world.hey.com/dhh/sovereign-clouds-661eb5e4 12 comments
- I saved 183 million dollars by not moving to the Cloud https://pauldambra.dev/2023/03/the-cloud.html 7 comments
- Introducing MRSK https://world.hey.com/dhh/introducing-mrsk-9330a267 6 comments
- Identity: Self-hosted or in the cloud? | authentik https://goauthentik.io/blog/2024-07-11-identity-self-hosted-or-in-the-cloud/ 6 comments
- The only thing worse than cloud pricing is the enterprisey alternatives https://world.hey.com/dhh/the-only-thing-worse-than-cloud-pricing-is-the-enterprisey-alternatives-854e98f3 5 comments
- 'It had just vanished' - the shock when tech fails - BBC News https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-64051121 3 comments
- Multi-tenancy is what’s hard about scaling web services https://world.hey.com/dhh/multi-tenancy-is-what-s-hard-about-scaling-web-services-dd1e0e81 3 comments
- European Digital Sovereignty https://world.hey.com/dhh/european-digital-sovereignty-fb963e5d 1 comment
Linked pages
- Cloud Application Hosting for Developers | Render https://render.com 251 comments
- Basecamp: Project management software, online collaboration https://basecamp.com/ 214 comments
- Leaving the Cloud | REWORK https://www.rework.fm/leaving-the-cloud/ 195 comments
- HEY â A delightfully fresh take on email + calendar, from 37signals https://www.hey.com/ 88 comments
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