- Clinton leads by 6 percentage points as Sanders edges closer http://www.wmur.com/politics/wmur-poll-clinton-leads-by-6-percentage-points-as-sanders-edges-closer/34536476 38 comments politics
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- This Bernie Sanders crowd shot should make Hillary Clinton a little jittery - The Washington Post http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/08/10/this-bernie-sanders-crowd-shot-should-make-hillary-clinton-a-little-jittery/ 14 comments
- Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Remain in Dead Heat in New Hampshire, Poll Shows - First Draft. Political News, Now. - The New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/politics/first-draft/2015/08/04/hillary-clinton-and-bernie-sanders-remain-tied-in-new-hampshire-poll-shows/?amp%3B_r=0&smid=nytpolitics 12 comments
- Poll: Sanders trails Clinton by 6 points in NH | CNN Politics http://www.cnn.com/2015/08/04/politics/bernie-sanders-hillary-clinton-new-hampshire-wmur/index.html 4 comments
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