- In high school I was taught that viruses are not living beings. Reading this wikipedia article makes me assume that viruses are alive, but it doesn't seem to discuss this specifically. Can anyone explain it to a curious non-biologist? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/virus 83 comments science
Linking pages
- Ocean Creatures Have Been Protecting Us From Millions of Viruses This Entire Time : ScienceAlert https://www.sciencealert.com/marine-creatures-protect-us-from-viruses-in-the-ocean-by-eating-them-study-suggests 524 comments
- The Case For Ending Lockdown https://www.ryankemper.io/post/2020-04-29-the_case_for_ending_lockdown 363 comments
- BREAKING: We Just Discovered The Molecule That Makes HIV So Stealthy : ScienceAlert https://www.sciencealert.com/we-discovered-how-hiv-shields-itself-immune-system-viral-capsid-inositol-hexakisphosphate-ip6 14 comments
- Article: Are We Witnessing The Birth Of A Pandemic? | OpEd News http://www.opednews.com/articles/are-we-witnessing-the-birt-by-william-cormier-090425-286.html 7 comments
- Prehistoric Viruses and the Function of the Brain - Scientific American https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/prehistoric-viruses-and-the-function-of-the-brain/ 0 comments
- Antiviral Drugs Could Blast the Common Cold—Should We Use Them? | WIRED https://www.wired.com/2012/03/ff-antivirals/ 0 comments
- Mycorrhizal fungi: all you need to know about the Internet of Plants | by Dario Cortese | Medium https://medium.com/@dario.cortese/the-internet-of-plants-mycorrhizal-fungi-sorting-facts-from-myths-7ab5c7b73bf1 0 comments
- I Left Facebook, And You Can Too. Facebook doesn’t want to strengthen… | by Jessica Ferris | The Archipelago | Medium https://medium.com/the-archipelago/i-left-facebook-and-you-can-too-1e9a1886c4e4 0 comments
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